• Tips for Successful Holiday Marketing for Your Lakeside Small Business

    Offer Valid: 12/04/2022 - 12/05/2024

    The holidays are a decisive time for businesses, both big and small. For small businesses, though, the holidays can be make-or-break. If you're a small business owner, you need to make sure your holiday marketing is on point if you want to see success this season. Here are nine tips from the Lakeside Chamber of Commerce to help you make the most of your holiday marketing efforts.


    1. Create and Post a Holiday Gift Guide


    One great way to get people interested in your products or services is to create a gift guide. This doesn't have to be anything too fancy. A simple PDF will suffice. Fill it with gift ideas that tie into your business somehow and make it easy for people to find and share. You can promote your gift guide on social media, on your website, and even in physical locations like stores or offices.


    But you don’t have to stop there! Not every group or demographic necessarily shares the same interests, so if you want to take your marketing game to the next level, try using this free tool to split your gift guide into multiple PDFs. Then, share them with different social media groups based on interest. This is a cheap but highly effective way to engage in some targeted marketing that’s sure to help spread the word about your holiday sales. 


    2. Share Useful and Interactive Content


    People are bombarded with advertising during the holidays, so it's important that your content stands out from the rest. Share infographics, videos, blog posts, quizzes—anything that will capture people's attention and keep them engaged. And make sure your content is relevant to what you do. If it's not, people will tune it out.


    3. Host Contests and Giveaways


    Everybody loves free stuff, so consider holding a holiday giveaway or contest. This is a great way to get people interested in your business and generate some hype around your brand. Just be sure to promote it well and make the rules clear—you don't want any unhappy customers!


    4. Use Curated Holiday Packaging


    If you sell physical products, take the time to dress them up for the holidays! People appreciate festive packaging, and it makes your products more likely to be noticed (and bought).


    5. Interact on Social Media


    Social media is huge during the holidays, so make sure you're active on all your channels. Respond to comments and questions promptly, share relevant blog posts and infographics, and just generally be present so people know you're there if they need you.


    6. Reward Loyal Customers


    The holidays are a great time to reach out to your loyal customers and let them know how much you appreciate their business. Send them personalized notes or holiday cards, offer them exclusive deals or discounts, or give them something special just for being such great customers. It’s also a good idea to launch a loyalty program. That will go a long way towards making them feel appreciated… and likely to come back for more!


    7 . Partner with Other Local Businesses 


    Small businesses need to stick together! See if there are any local businesses you can partner with this holiday season. You could do joint promotions, cross-promote each other's products or services, or team up for an event. This is a great way to reach new customers while also supporting other small businesses in your community. 


    8. Host an Event


    Hosting an event is a great way to connect with potential customers , build relationships, and promote your business all at once! Make sure you pick an event that ties in well with what you do and market it well so people actually show up! A decorating workshop for a home goods store, or an ornament-making party for a kids' clothing boutique are good examples of something you could try.


    9. Partner with a Local Charity


    The holidays are all about giving back, so why not partner with a local charity? You could volunteer your time, donate products or services, or host a charity drive. Not only will this make you feel good about giving back, but it'll also make potential customers see your business in a positive light.


    The holidays are an important time for businesses large and small alike, but they can be especially vital for smaller companies. If you want your holiday marketing efforts to pay off this year, take note of these nine tips, from creating useful content and hosting events to partnering with other local businesses and charities. There are lots of great ways to market yourself this holiday season, so get out there and start promoting!

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    This Hot Deal is promoted by Lakeside Chamber of Commerce - CA.


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