• 2025 Parade Entry Application

    Please Fill out this entry form to participate in our 60th Annual Western Days Parade. Please read all fields CAREFULLY to ensure your application is submitted. If you encounter any problems please call the office @ 619-561-1031
    Please enter only numbers no symbols (-/)
    Please enter the name of your Parade Entry (This is the name that will be announced and printed in the Parade Program)
    Car/Pick Up Truck Antique Car Individual Antique Car Club Pick Up Truck w/Trailer Semi/Heavy Equipment Semi with Trailer Off Road Vehicle Hot Rod/Specialized Street Machine
    Vehicle One
    Vehicle Two
    Vehicle Three
    Equestrians must supply a copy of Insurance Certificate
    Please Select type Band/Music. If NO MUSIC is being played on your float etc. Please select NO MUSIC
    Please Fill in the Script you would like read along the parade route for your entry. Please keep Script to a 300 word MAX
    Waiver of Liability
    WAIVER OF LIABILITY: All participants enter the above-named parade at their own risk and agree to release and hold harmless, the LAKESIDE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and its members from any loss, damage, or injury, and indemnify said association from any legal proceedings for personal injury or personal damage arising from any accident occasioned by entry in said parade. Parent’s or guardian’s signature/permission is required for any entrant under 18 years of age. Signer has read & agrees to abide by the rules.
    Rules and Regulations
    YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING AND FOLLOWING THE RULES LISTED BELOW. EACH ENTRY WILL BE REQUIRED TO SIGN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THESE RULES ON PARADE DAY PRIOR TO BEING STAGED 1. All entries will be subject to the approval of the Parade Committee. Any entry not conforming to these rules and regulations will be eliminated from the Parade. All decisions of the Parade Committee are final. 2. The Parade Committee will not be responsible for announcer’s omissions or errors due to the submission of illegible, incomplete or incorrect information. 3. All floats shall be limited to no more than 15 feet high and 12 feet wide, and must be equipped to be pulled by tow bar in case of breakdown. 4. All motorized vehicles must have legal mufflers. 5. All bands must be in full uniform. 6. Transportation will not be provided. 7. At no time, will any unit be permitted to stop and perform along the parade route. All special movements, acts, or demonstrations MUST be performed while moving forward at a speed necessary to maintain designated intervals. 8. No throwing or distribution of any objects from the line of march, such as candy, balloons, gum, literature, etc., as it is a violation of the Litter Law. Further, such action may cause an accident by scaring a horse or enticing a child into the line of march. 9. No alcohol or drugs will be permitted in assembly, dispersal or along parade route. No one will be permitted to enter the parade under the influence. 10. Violations of any rules will disqualify the entry immediately. 11. The set pace of the parade must be maintained by all entrants. Anyone who cannot keep up with the pace will be subject to removal from the parade by the parade pacers (120 steps a minute). 12. No unauthorized vehicles will be permitted to enter the parade route.
    Electronic Agreement *

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